Wednesday 17 April 2013

Lioness Thoughts: DMX I feel for you sis...


Why did Iyanla have to go there exactly? The way she carried herself like she is holier than though is disgraceful and I actually feel like she made Dmx's life slyly worse. And that son of his? He is such a cry baby and a wimp... He was acting as if he wanted to face DMX like a man but couldn't even speak with him in a room by himself? AS FOR HIS MUSIC ABILITIES. Honey it is a no. A Hell no to be exact. Iyanla should have respected her clients and not try to force her ego against DMX, it was highly unprofessional and as you saw very provocative... I mean DMX and his son hadn't spoken for a year, how can his son just go from 0 to 100 and put him in such a vindictive ultimatum like that...And for Iyanla to 'bow' down to him? UHHH it made my blood boil...Sweeties, we cannot change who we have as our parents and we can only ask for what we want... However when we start demanding that parents change to what we want and threaten that there will no relationship if you don't. Well I think that crosses so many boundaries. We expect our parents to unconditionally love us don't we, I should be nothing to do the same? I just think that program was so wrong... SO VERY WRONG.

I hope and pray that HIP-HOP ICON DMX get's it together....

Mina Lioness xoxo

Sunday 14 April 2013

Welcome & Amy Winehouse Realness!

Hey sweets, 

Welcome abord to the wonderful world of Mina Mina MEENS! Well upon this blog I hope to start my journey on finding my self and and joining the PLUS SIZE FASHION WORLD. I've seen to many big girls, get a little shine from this so It's definitely my turn. However I'm not gonna give you guys an essay of how excited I am to do this... I hope this blog goes somewhere, maybe it will... Maybe it won't. WHO KNOWS? Anyway let me just leave you with some Amy Winehouse realness from myself...